Mamzells Potatoes Blinis

Blinis de pommes de terre

Mamzells Potatoes Blinis

Number of Servings: 30


Practical tools

  • Sieve
  • Balance
  • Mini spatula
  • Pastry bag




  1. Boil your potatoes with the skin until they are cooked enough to mash.
  2. Peel the potatoes and preserve the flesh.
  3. Sift the potatoes and using a scale, reserve 300 grams of potatoes to make your recipe.
  4. In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix until a homogeneous texture is obtained.
  5. Use a pastry bag for more precision when cooking.
  6. In a nonstick pan, squeeze the bag gently to form the pretty blini.
  7. Leave to cook gently until you get a nice colour on both sides of the blini. Use a small spatula to facilitate the rotation of blinis.
  8. Add sour cream and a choice of salted or smoked fish: fish eggs, smoked salmon, salmon gravlax, etc.